

FANTASTIC FAMILIES: 6 PROVEN STEPS TO BUILDING A STRONG FAMILY – A practical book to help you lead your family. Find the review here. Buy it on Amazon.


RAISING WORRY FREE GIRLS: HELPING YOUR DAUGHTER FEEL BRAVER, STRONGER, AND SMARTER IN AN ANXIOUS WORLD – A book filled with strategies for raising worry free girls. Find the review here. Buy it on Amazon.


THE WHOLE BRAINED CHILD: 12 REVOLUTIONARY STRATEGIES TO NURTURE YOUR CHILD’S DEVELOPING MIND – This book will help you understand how to be a better parent for your child as you consider their developmental stages. Find the review here. Buy it on Amazon.


10 WAYS TO A STRONGER MARRIAGE – A book filled with practical and actionable steps that will bless your marriage. Find the review here. Buy it on Amazon.


THE MEANING OF MARRIAGE – A book filled with ageless wisdom that will challenge your thinking on the meaning and purpose of marriage. Find the review here. Buy it on Amazon.


ATOMIC HABITS – Tiny changes, remarkable results. Find the review here. Buy it on Amazon.


THINK GOOD – A beautifully written book combining scriptural wisdom with mental health strategies. Find the review here. Buy it on Amazon.


THE 5 LOVE LANGUAGES – The secret to love that lasts. Find the review here. Buy it on Amazon.



STRONGER MARRIAGE – Find it here or wherever you get your podcasts. This podcast will bless your marriage with their humor, wisdom, and practical advice.


SMALL THINGS OFTEN – Find it here or wherever you get your podcasts. “Successful long-term relationships are created through small words, small gestures, and small acts.”


PILLOW TALKSFind it here or wherever you get your podcasts. “The sex education you wish you’d had.”


FOREPLAY RADIOFind it here or wherever you get your podcasts. “A couples and sex therapy podcast with experts having the real conversations about love and sex that you’ve always wanted to have.”

