Book Review: The Great Sex Rescue: The Lies You’ve Been Taught and How to Recover What God Intended

Quick Summary "Wow." That was a word I wrote over and over again in the margins of this book. Once it was because I was blown away at a finding from their research. Other times I was struck by how they uncovered how many of our Christian teachings are inconsistent with regards to men and … Continue reading Book Review: The Great Sex Rescue: The Lies You’ve Been Taught and How to Recover What God Intended

Help! My Spouse Has Been Watching Porn!

"He lied to me for can I trust him again?" "Was I not enough for them?" "How could he do this to our family?" "I feel like he cheated on me...I feel so violated." This topic has becoming increasingly common in my practice as a counselor. Pornography usage is so prevalent that I unfairly … Continue reading Help! My Spouse Has Been Watching Porn!

Let’s Talk About Porn: Killer of Love, Thief of Desire (Part 3: The Path to Hope + Resources)

I would encourage you to read part one and part two before reading further. In part one, we saw some bewildering statistics about pornography and explored why it’s so prevalent and dangerous: accessibility, affordability, and anonymity. In part two we explored the effects of pornography on your and your brain. Today we're going to explore how … Continue reading Let’s Talk About Porn: Killer of Love, Thief of Desire (Part 3: The Path to Hope + Resources)

Let’s Talk About Porn: Killer of Love, Thief of Desire (Part 2: The Effects of Porn Use)

In part one, we saw some bewildering statistics about pornography and explored why it's so prevalent and dangerous: accessibility, affordability, and anonymity. I encourage you to read that article before proceeding. I've laid my cards out on the table here at the beginning about why I believe pornography is harmful in more ways than one. … Continue reading Let’s Talk About Porn: Killer of Love, Thief of Desire (Part 2: The Effects of Porn Use)

Let’s Talk About Porn: Killer of Love, Thief of Desire (Part 1: The Danger of Porn)

This subject has been on my mind since before I got the blog up and running, but it has taken me this long (1.5 years) to muster up the courage to discuss it. And it's about time we did. In case the title wasn't clear enough, let me lay all of my cards on the … Continue reading Let’s Talk About Porn: Killer of Love, Thief of Desire (Part 1: The Danger of Porn)