What Does Jesus Have to Do With My Marriage?

"Make sure you keep Christ at the center of your marriage." Growing up in a faith-filled environment, I heard similar sentiments from preachers, teachers, youth ministers, marriage books, and camp counselors. During my time in youth ministry I'm sure I taught or said things very similar. This messaging can also sound like the following: "You … Continue reading What Does Jesus Have to Do With My Marriage?

The Neglected Intimacy: 12 Ideas for Spiritual Growth

A quick google search will reveal thousands of articles on how to improve your sexual, physical, or emotional intimacy as a couple. But there is a type of intimacy that is often overlooked if not completely ignored: Spiritual intimacy. I suspect that there are at least two reasons that spiritual intimacy is not openly discussed. … Continue reading The Neglected Intimacy: 12 Ideas for Spiritual Growth