Help! My Spouse Has Been Watching Porn!

"He lied to me for can I trust him again?" "Was I not enough for them?" "How could he do this to our family?" "I feel like he cheated on me...I feel so violated." This topic has becoming increasingly common in my practice as a counselor. Pornography usage is so prevalent that I unfairly … Continue reading Help! My Spouse Has Been Watching Porn!

Getting Out of a Rut

It was the longest car ride ever. We went an hour and a half without speaking to one another on what was supposed to be a fun, once-in-a-while, day date between just the two of us. It was awkward and the tension was stifling, even though no one was saying a word. What was going … Continue reading Getting Out of a Rut

Indiscretions, Betrayals, and Secrets: What Affairs Have Taught Me About Marriage (Pt. I)

There are few things as heartbreaking and terrifying as a couple realizing that everything they built for years has been destroyed due to the misguided passions of one partner. Once upon a time, they stood before a group of friends and family - faces filled with smiles and hearts overflowing with commitment - and the … Continue reading Indiscretions, Betrayals, and Secrets: What Affairs Have Taught Me About Marriage (Pt. I)

The Two Hardest Words: “I’m Sorry”

English is a funny, complicated language filled with difficult words: Worcestershire Quinoa Onomatopoeia Anemone Otorhinolaryngologist I'm still not sure how to define or pronounce a few of those. But none compare to the two most difficult words to pronounce in the English language: "I'm Sorry." There are also few words that hold as much power. … Continue reading The Two Hardest Words: “I’m Sorry”

“And Then COVID Hit” – 5 Ways to Preserve Love in a Pandemic

There are certain phrases that spread so quickly they become a part of the DNA of our culture. Uttering one of these instantly brings up thoughts, images, and feelings of a certain time in your life. Here are a few, for example: "Cowabunga Dude!" "WWJD" "You've got a friend in me." "Smiling's my favorite!" Can … Continue reading “And Then COVID Hit” – 5 Ways to Preserve Love in a Pandemic