All The Women I’ve Been In Love With

This may come as a shock to those of you who know me, but I've loved many women over the years. My first real love was an eighteen year old beauty right out of high school. I had just finished my first year of college and talking to this woman made me feel things I'd … Continue reading All The Women I’ve Been In Love With

Mechanic or Gardener? How a Small Mental Shift Makes a Big Difference

He gave me a skeptical look as I told him to stop trying to fix all of his wife's problems. "Your wife is a person to be loved, not a problem to be fixed", I said. More doubtful, incredulous stares. This happens all the time in marriages. We attempt to fix the other person or … Continue reading Mechanic or Gardener? How a Small Mental Shift Makes a Big Difference

The Neglected Intimacy: 12 Ideas for Spiritual Growth

A quick google search will reveal thousands of articles on how to improve your sexual, physical, or emotional intimacy as a couple. But there is a type of intimacy that is often overlooked if not completely ignored: Spiritual intimacy. I suspect that there are at least two reasons that spiritual intimacy is not openly discussed. … Continue reading The Neglected Intimacy: 12 Ideas for Spiritual Growth

You’re Living in the Montage: A Reflection on the Beauty of the Ordinary

At some point in my twenties I started watching lots of movies. It probably has to do with the fact that I was newly married, cash poor, and was content to chill on the couch with my new bride and snuggle up to a $2 movie rental (from a place that has since closed down). … Continue reading You’re Living in the Montage: A Reflection on the Beauty of the Ordinary

“And Then COVID Hit” – 5 Ways to Preserve Love in a Pandemic

There are certain phrases that spread so quickly they become a part of the DNA of our culture. Uttering one of these instantly brings up thoughts, images, and feelings of a certain time in your life. Here are a few, for example: "Cowabunga Dude!" "WWJD" "You've got a friend in me." "Smiling's my favorite!" Can … Continue reading “And Then COVID Hit” – 5 Ways to Preserve Love in a Pandemic